Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cake Galore!

Pictures of Anatole's caramel birthday cake. The chocolate glaze clumped, so I had to do without the glaze. Maybe on the next cake it will work out.

Failed Chocolate Glaze. I tried to fix the glaze, but it was too late. The oils and sugars separated from the chocolate. At least I had the strawberries! Something about strawberries and cake - it's always a winning combination.

Tomorrow morning I am going to try to make a carrot cake for a special baby. Chocolate is his favorite, but he loves all cake, so I thought I would make it semi-healthy by baking a carrot cake. lol. I hope to get shots of him with frosting all over his face! lol.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Wow, it looks great, even without the chocolate!! Sorry the glaze didn't work.